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The new specification writing and consultancy service from NBS

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NBS Chorus Plans and Features ROI Calculator NBS Source NBS Schumann New

NBS Partners with RAIC

NBS is pleased to announce an exciting new partnership with the RAIC. 

Celebrate with 10% off your NBS Chorus Subscription

The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) is a not-for-profit national organization, that has represented architects and architecture for over 100 years, since 1907. The RAIC is the leading voice for excellence in the built environment in Canada, demonstrating how design enhances the quality of life while addressing important issues in society through responsible architecture. NBS Canada is pleased to be partnering with RAIC and will be offering all members a 10% discount on the annual Chorus subscription. 

NBS brings the power of digital specification to the Canadian market with NBS Chorus - a global platform used by organizations of all sizes from small architecture and engineering firms, to the very largest global construction companies.  

Chorus is an online specification platform, designed to help you do it right the first time.  Chorus is easy to use and can be accessed from anywhere at any time.

Eliminate the risk of poorly written specifications, collaborate internally and externally, write specifications up to 70% faster while owning the intellectual property and ultimately win more business.

NBS Chorus allows user to start from the most updated Canadian specifications with CMS (Canadian Master Specifications), NMS (National Master Specifications) or import your own custom specifications.

To book a demo of NBS Chorus or learn more about the RAIC & NBS Canada partnership, please complete the form on the right: